
Wednesday, 6 August 2014

News: Senran Kagura Vita Titles Heading to Europe

Marvelous Games announce the Senran Kagura Vita titles for release in the EU *Updated*
Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus & Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit are set to launch at some point this year on European shores. XSEED are handling the release of both for NA. The announcement was made via twitter
"We are happy to announce that both SENRAN KAGURA SHINOVI VERSUS and SENRAN KAGURA Bon Appétit! will be coming to Europe & Aus this year!"
Exact dates are not known yet, nor whether they will be physical or digital (Senran Kagura Burst received a physical in the EU on 3DS, even with the NA release being digital), Its just been confirmed via Twitter that both releases will be digital only, but that information will no doubt arrive in due time.

Source [Twitter]


  1. called it i love the first one on the ds :D

  2. Posted after update. I really think that digital only Is going to be the only way we see these lower selling imports soon. More and more are going digital only. My brain finds it hard to like digital. Even though I know I will need to eventually. It's weird to be attached to a bit of plastic that comes with a game. But I love owning it.

  3. I don't mind digital when it comes to Vita & I only use a 16GB memory card lol If the game n question is one Im looking forward to, I dont really care if it doesn't get a physical release as I'll be buying it regardless and Im just glad to see titles like this available on our shores =) Physical only matters if its a game im not sure about, as I can trade it if I dont like it. Im slowly getting used to the convenience of having about 8 games on my Vita that I can rotate at will without having to carry anything extra.

    I remember trying to preorder Burst at game due to them offering a 3D poster with it, only to be told by the manager that they won't be getting it in store as 'the 3DS is a family console'. Hilarious stuff. My co-editor Andi aslo had a run in when buying the game too. The amusing thing is that its one of the best games I'd played on 3DS before I sold the handheld.

  4. Glad the Eurozone is getting this, but surprised their wasn't a physical release for Shinovi Versus, as I was expecting BonAppetit to be digital only from the start.

  5. If only these were for 3DS as well. I'm playing Burst at the moment but there's not much more for the 3DS. Ha! I'd probably just get a PS Vita to play Senran Kagura~ :D

  6. Don't get me wrong, I have many handhelds since they're my favorite type of consoles. Thing is, I've always devoted myself to Nintendo alone. I've played other games from Xbox and PS now and then. But still, I'll be getting a PS Vita at some point, dude. They looks pretty neat, though I will have to read more on them about the spec and such. Plus, I've read you can play FF7 on Vita, which is so awesome! Anyway, for the mean time, I can hope for Deep Crimson to be released in the UK~

  7. As I stated I'm sure it will get anounced next year, however from what I've read the sequel is a mix side scroller and 3D action game so it will be interesting to read the reviews for that game. As far as owning a Vita, if you don't mind importing is argue there's never been a better time to jump in. However that depends on the games you enjoy

  8. Yeah, I love the battle style in SK2. It's like Shinobi Versus, in that sense. And it's also 2-player, from what I've read. That'd be nice since I can actually play with Uncle. But on that note...I don't think anyone else would ever get such a game. >_<

    I enjoy RPGs (preferably turn-based, like FF, and sometimes action). Side scrolling is cool too, though it does get fairly repetitive~

  9. Yeah It would be nice to play co-op with somebody else In this game, however realistically its difficult to get people to agree to share the same couch while gaming on any game (including mainstream popular titles). So yeah as long as you enjoy the game for what it is, thats all that really matters.
